Sunday 19 November 2017


 1. 1/2 kilo of boneless chicken
 2. one large onion
 3. 1 small green pepper
 4. 4 pieces of garlic chopped
 5. 1 teaspoon ginger
 6. 1 teaspoon Madras curry powder
 7. 1 teaspoon black pepper
 8. 1 teaspoon crushed chilli or to taste
 9. 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
10.1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste
11. half lemon juice
12.coriander 1tablespoon


  • Cut your chicken in strips,wash and put it in a large sieve to drain all the water.
  • Take a wok or pan and on a low heat add your garlic, ginger and all the spices and stir a few times. 
  • Add a drop of water if it's sticking to the wok
  • Add your chicken to the wok, mix it to all the spices.
  • Let it simmer on low heat for 5-7 minutes mixing when needed.
  • Add your onions and pepper and mix for another 3 minutes on medium heat.
  • I know there is alot of mixing but since the food has no added oil it tends to stick if you do not mix frequently
  • Squeeze your lemon and sprinkle the coriander and leave it on low heat for another minute and viola your healthy yet delicious chicken stir fry is ready.
Serve with rice,naan or those on a diet can enjoy it on it's own.

Bon apetite

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