Tuesday 21 November 2017


Kachumbari is a popular salad in east Africa mainly Kenya and Tanzania made out of fresh tomatoes,onions and to those who love spicy food green and red chilli, flavoured with fresh lemon juice and salt.

Kachumbari  is delicious with any food but my favourite way is to have it with grilled meat and chips.it can also be combined with ugali (a traditional Kenyan dish) pilau,biryani and many more

Onions have a bitter taste so the big secret to this salad is to massage a teaspoon of salt to the onions then wash the onions in a colander to remove the salt.This will make the onions taste mild and not sour.


  1. 3 onions sliced
  2. 2 Tomatoes sliced
  3. 1 red and 1 green chilli chopped (optional)
  4. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  5. 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

  • In a colander add your onions and salt.
  • Massage them together
  • Wash of all the salt through running water
  • Put it aside for all the water to drain out
  • In a diffeent bowl add your sliced tomatoes and the chilli
  • Add the onions to the tomatoes.Make sure all the water is drained from the onions before adding
  • Flavour your salad by adding the salt and lemon.

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