Sunday 26 November 2017



  1. 2 cups plain flour
  2. 2 cups self raising flour
  3. Cardamon 1/2 teaspoon
  4. Oil 2 teaspoon 
  5. Milk 1  1/4 cup
  6. Yeast 1 teaspoon
  1. Put all your dry ingredients  in your mixer and mix on a low speed
  2. Add your oil and give it another quick mix
  3. On a medium speed add your milk slowly and mix for about 8 minutes until your dough becomes soft and not sticky
  4. For those kneading do the same process and knead for about 15 minutes
  5. Put the dough on a floured surface and cover with a clean kitchen towel to let it rise
  6. It takes about 1 hr to rise but can take longer in colder areas
  7. On a floured surface roll the dough to 1.5 inch thick and cut out your round shape using a cup
  8. Cover for 20 min with a kitchen towel 
  9. Heat your pan until the oil becomes hot. Place your round mahambri one at a time turning them until a nice Brown colour as shown on the picture above.
  10. Remove on a kitchen tissue and serve.
Note:If the dough is more than needed pack the rest and freeze to be used on a later date.
When ready to use let it be room tempeature
 before use and do not defrost

Bon Appetite 

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