Wednesday 6 December 2017


This is a simple vegetable rice and prawns recipe.its easy to make and contain some of your 5 a day.


  1. 3 cups rice 
  2. 1/2 cup frozen vegetables
  3. half cooked prawns 1000g
  4. 2 onions
  5. 1/2 greenpepper
  6. 1 teaspoon of garlic
  7. 1 teaspoon of whole black pepper 
  8. 1 tablespoon of salt
  9. 3 potatoes each cut in half
  10. 2 pieces of cinnamon stick
  11. 1 tablespoon of whole cumin
  12. 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder 
  13. 1/2 a teaspoon of curry powder
  14. 3 cardamon
  15. 2 cloves
  16. 1/4 bunch of coriander 
  17.  4 tablespoon oil

  • Fry your onions until golden brown add the garlic,potatoes and all the spices 
  • Mix it for 2 minutes, add a tablespoon of water if it sticks to the pan
  • Add your  washed and drained rice and mix 
  • Pour 3 1/2 cup of bioled water in the rice and on medium heat let it boil.Taste the salt and add if needed 
  • When the water in the rice is half evaporated add your prawns,vegetables and coriander
  • Cover with aluminium foil and bake for 7-10 min at 180°
  • Serve 
Bon Appetite 

Friday 1 December 2017


Cookies is an all time favourite snack for everyone.Below is a simple recipe that does not need alot of ingredients and taste delicious.

  1. 1 kilo of all purpose flour
  2. 1/2 kilo of sugar powdered
  3. 400 g of sunflower oil 
  4. 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional)
  5. 1 tablespoon rose sherbet or red colouring mixed with 1 teaspoon of water
  • Sieve your flour and sugar  in a large bowl
  • Add the sunflower oil and vanilla essence and mix everything together with your hands to make a  soft dough
  • Make your cookie rounds with your hand and place on your greased tray 
  • The size of your cookies is to per your preference,but I like mine as shown on the picture above
  • Dip your toothpick in the rose sherbet or the foodcolouring and put a dot in the middle of the cookie 
  • Repeat to all cookies
  • Bake in the oven for 20 min on 150°c

Bon Appetite 

Thursday 30 November 2017



  1. 3 cups rice wash and soak for 20 min
  2. 1/2 cup frozen beans and carrots
  3. Salt 1 teaspoon or to taste
  4. 1 teaspoon oil

  1. Lamb 1/2 kilo cubed 
  2. 2 onions chopped
  3. 1 tablespoon garlic and ginger
  4. 1 green pepper chopped
  5. 2 fresh tomatoes chopped
  6. Coriander 1/4 bunch chopped
  7. black pepper 1 teaspoon
  8. cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon
  9. 1 teaspoon salt
  10. Half a cup water

  • Put 3 1/2 cup of boiled water and oil in a pan on mediun heat 
  • Add your drained rice and salt
  • When your water has 75% evaporated add your frozen veg and give it a light mix 
  • Cover with aluminium foil and then bake at 180° for 10 min
  • For those using a rice cooker add the veg when it's almost at warm and mix
  • Boil the lamb with water garlic,ginger,blackpepper,salt and cinnamon until halfway cooked
  • On a diffrent pan fry the onions until golden brown remove half
  • Add your chopped greenpepper and tomatoes  let it cook on low heat until the tomatoes soften
  • Add your half cooked meat and cook on medium heat until there is no more water
  • Add the onions removed earlier mix gently for a few more minutes, add coriander 
  • Serve with your vegetable rice
Bon Appetite

Monday 27 November 2017


This is a 5 simple step recipe to make a very delicious curry in less than 30 minutes.


  1. Skinless chicken cut to 8 pieces
  2. 1 onion 
  3. 1 green pepper
  4. 1 teaspoon garlic paste
  5. 1 teaspoon ginger paste
  6. 3 fresh tomatoes
  7. 2 green or red chilli (optional)
  8. 1 tablespoon black pepper
  9. 1 1/2 tablespoon curry powder 
  10. 1 teaspoon crushed chilli/red chilli (optional)
  11. 1/2 teaspoon tumeric 
  12. 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  13. 3 tablespoon oil
  14. coriander 1/4 bunch chopped
  15. juice of one lemon 

  • Blend the tomatoes,onion,and green pepper keep aside
  • Put oil,garlic,ginger,tomato paste,chicken and all your spices in a pan on low heat  for about 7 minutes mixing a few times.
  • pour the blended items in and let it cook on medium  heat for 5 min then reduce to low heat.
  • Add half a cup of water and the green chillis and let it simmer for another 15 minutes
  • Add your coriander and lemon juice mix and switch off your gas

Sunday 26 November 2017



  1. 2 cups plain flour
  2. 2 cups self raising flour
  3. Cardamon 1/2 teaspoon
  4. Oil 2 teaspoon 
  5. Milk 1  1/4 cup
  6. Yeast 1 teaspoon
  1. Put all your dry ingredients  in your mixer and mix on a low speed
  2. Add your oil and give it another quick mix
  3. On a medium speed add your milk slowly and mix for about 8 minutes until your dough becomes soft and not sticky
  4. For those kneading do the same process and knead for about 15 minutes
  5. Put the dough on a floured surface and cover with a clean kitchen towel to let it rise
  6. It takes about 1 hr to rise but can take longer in colder areas
  7. On a floured surface roll the dough to 1.5 inch thick and cut out your round shape using a cup
  8. Cover for 20 min with a kitchen towel 
  9. Heat your pan until the oil becomes hot. Place your round mahambri one at a time turning them until a nice Brown colour as shown on the picture above.
  10. Remove on a kitchen tissue and serve.
Note:If the dough is more than needed pack the rest and freeze to be used on a later date.
When ready to use let it be room tempeature
 before use and do not defrost

Bon Appetite 


Chicken nuggets is a staple food for my kids and these simple steps make it easy for me to make even on a busy day.


  1.  1/2 kilo Boneless chicken cut to stripes 
  2. 1 teaspoon blackpepper
  3. 1/4 teaspoon paprika 
  4. 1 teaspoon garlic and ginger
  5. Salt 1/2 teaspoon or to taste
  6. 1 cup breadcrumbs
  7. 1 egg
  8. 1/2 cup flour
  9. Oil for deep fry


  • Wash the chicken and remove all the water
  • Add salt,garlic and ginger and massage into the chicken
  • Take 3 bowls and put flour,paprika and black pepper on the first,a beaten egg on the second and breadcrumb on the third
  • Heat your oil on medium heat
  • Coat your chicken with the flour tap off the excess
  • Dip it to the egg then coat it with bread crumbs
  • Coat one strip at a time.This will enable even coating on the nugget 
  • Fry to golden brown on both sides 
  • Remove on a kitchen tissue
  • Repeat to the remaining chicken

Bon Appetite

Thursday 23 November 2017


Pakora is a crispy Indian snack that is deep fried to a beautiful golden colour and cooks to different shapes and sizes.

  1. 2 large potatoes cubed
  2. 1 large onion cubed
  3. 1 small carrot grated
  4. 1/2 green pepper cubed 
  5. 1/2 a bunch of coriander chopped
  6. 2 green chilli chopped
  7. Oil 
  8. Salt 1tablespoon
  9. Tumeric 1/4 teaspoon
  10. Curry powder 1/4 teaspoon 
  11. Gram flour (besan)
  12. Water approximately half a cup


  • Put all your dry ingredients in a bowl and mix everything together
  • Add water and continue to mix to a thick consistency as shown on picture above
  • Heat your pan with oil on medium heat
  • Take a small amount of the mix with your hand or a tablespoon and place it in the oil and repeat 
  • Fry on medium heat until golden on both sides for about 4 minutes
  • On your second batch u can add gram flour if your mix is not as thick
  •  Remove on kitchen paper 

Bon Appetite 

Wednesday 22 November 2017


Mango chutney is made from unripe mangoes and a few other ingredients.It can be used as a dip to alot of diffrent foods and can also be added to homemade curry to give it extra flavour.This recipe is by far the easiest to make and the results is outstanding.


  1. One large unripe mango
  2. One small carrot 
  3. Six green chilli
  4. 1/2 white onion chopped 
  5. Juice of two lime
  6. Two tablespoon water
  7. Quarter teaspoon salt or to taste


  • peel the mango and carrot
  • Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend till soft
  • If the mixture is too dry add water till u get the consistency as shown on the picture above.
  • Serve on a bowl and enjoy your chutney
Bon Appetite.

Tuesday 21 November 2017


Kachumbari is a popular salad in east Africa mainly Kenya and Tanzania made out of fresh tomatoes,onions and to those who love spicy food green and red chilli, flavoured with fresh lemon juice and salt.

Kachumbari  is delicious with any food but my favourite way is to have it with grilled meat and can also be combined with ugali (a traditional Kenyan dish) pilau,biryani and many more

Onions have a bitter taste so the big secret to this salad is to massage a teaspoon of salt to the onions then wash the onions in a colander to remove the salt.This will make the onions taste mild and not sour.


  1. 3 onions sliced
  2. 2 Tomatoes sliced
  3. 1 red and 1 green chilli chopped (optional)
  4. 1/2 teaspoon salt
  5. 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

  • In a colander add your onions and salt.
  • Massage them together
  • Wash of all the salt through running water
  • Put it aside for all the water to drain out
  • In a diffeent bowl add your sliced tomatoes and the chilli
  • Add the onions to the tomatoes.Make sure all the water is drained from the onions before adding
  • Flavour your salad by adding the salt and lemon.


Mkate wa nyama is a staple food in Mombasa Kenya.It is mainly cooked in the evening and served with nyama Choma (cubed bbq meat on a stick),chips and salad.

1.Onions cubed (very small)
3.Square pastry sheets
4.keema i have posted a full recipe on how to      make it

  • On a bowl mix 5 tablespoon of keema, one small egg, half an onion and sprinkle some coriander 
  • Lay two square of pastry sheets flat then add the mixture in the midde
  • Fold all the four angles one by one as shown on the pictures
  • Heat a pan on low heat with half a teaspoon of your preferred oil
  • Place the folded mkate wa nyama on the pan and let it cook until golden brown
  • Turn it on the opposite side and do the same
  • Each side takes approximatly 3 minutes
  • Serve with chips and salad

Bon appetite

Monday 20 November 2017


This is my way of making keema with no added oil yet still very delicious and healthy.Keema can be used on alot of meals like samosa,kebab,meatpies e.t.c

1.   keema 1 kilo (beef,Chicken,or Lamb)
2.  1 large green pepper
3.  1 tablespoon garlic
4.  1 teaspoon ginger
5.  1 tablespoon blackpepper
6.  1 tablespoon curry powder
7.  1/2 teaspoon cinnaon
8.  1/2 teaspoon crushed chilli
9.  1 fresh lemon juice
10. salt
11. 2 green chilli
12. coriander half a bunch chopped


  • Blend the green pepper and greenchilli together
  • In a pan add the keema and all the remaining ingredients apart from the lemon juice and coriander
  • Cover the pan and let it simmer on low heat for about 20 minutes stirring it constantly to avoid lumps
  • When the keema starts to dry and is not soggy anymore add the lemon juice and the chopped coriander.
  • Mix it for a few minutes then put it aside to cool.

TIP:  constantly stir to avoid lumps and make sure it dries.When it starts sticking to the pan slightly that's when u switch off your heat.

Bon Apetite

Sunday 19 November 2017


 1. 1/2 kilo of boneless chicken
 2. one large onion
 3. 1 small green pepper
 4. 4 pieces of garlic chopped
 5. 1 teaspoon ginger
 6. 1 teaspoon Madras curry powder
 7. 1 teaspoon black pepper
 8. 1 teaspoon crushed chilli or to taste
 9. 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
10.1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste
11. half lemon juice
12.coriander 1tablespoon


  • Cut your chicken in strips,wash and put it in a large sieve to drain all the water.
  • Take a wok or pan and on a low heat add your garlic, ginger and all the spices and stir a few times. 
  • Add a drop of water if it's sticking to the wok
  • Add your chicken to the wok, mix it to all the spices.
  • Let it simmer on low heat for 5-7 minutes mixing when needed.
  • Add your onions and pepper and mix for another 3 minutes on medium heat.
  • I know there is alot of mixing but since the food has no added oil it tends to stick if you do not mix frequently
  • Squeeze your lemon and sprinkle the coriander and leave it on low heat for another minute and viola your healthy yet delicious chicken stir fry is ready.
Serve with rice,naan or those on a diet can enjoy it on it's own.

Bon apetite